Autologous (One’s Own) Tissue Revision Rhinoplasty in Korea

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Autologous (One’s Own) Tissue Revision Rhinoplasty in Korea

the plus rhinoplasty IN kOREA

Autologous (One’s Own) Tissue Revision Rhinoplasty

At The Plus Plastic Surgery, we highly prioritize the well-being of your tissues. Asian nose surgery often involves utilizing various tissues. While primary nose surgery commonly employs implants like silicone, it’s also typical to harvest tissues such as auricular cartilage and septal cartilage. In nose revision surgery, additional tissues like cartilage, dermis, or fascia may be required, potentially causing discomfort due to resulting wounds and tissue defects. When collecting auricular cartilage, we consider factors such as your preferred sleeping side to minimize any discomfort. Our goal is to minimize damage and foster the recovery of the tissue collection area. We re-transplant any remaining cartilage, incorporate additional materials that aid tissue regeneration to reduce pain, and prevent deformation. Various techniques are also employed to restore any deformed areas from previous surgeries. Thoughtful consideration and tailored treatment plans for the tissues to be removed are crucial, not only in nose surgery. If you experience any discomfort, please don’t hesitate to discuss it with us at any time.

Autologous Costal Cartilage (Chest Cartilage)

When there is severe contraction due to repeated inflammation or surgery, chest cartilage is used when strong support and a large amount of cartilage is needed.

Harvesting site: 7th rib cartilage
Advantages: Provides a sufficient amount and sturdy support.
Disadvantages: The operation time is long, and there may be calcification in the chest cartilage.

Autologous rib cartilage
Autologous rib cartilage

Dermal Fat

Dermal fat grafting is often used in revision surgery. As an autologous tissue, it is particularly effective when there is a problem with the skin on the bridge of the nose. It is used to supplement the skin or soft tissue of the bridge of the nose, increase volume, and correct partial collapse. Dermal fat is easy to harvest and the scars at the harvesting site are not a big problem. It also has some resistance to infection and inflammation.

Harvesting site: Buttocks, groin, etc.
Advantages: Scars can be hidden as it is not a visible area, and it has some resistance to infection and inflammation.
Disadvantages: High absorption rate, wound healing problems, persistent seroma, hematoma, and in severe cases, fistulas can occur.

Dermal fat
Dermal fat
Dermal fat

Scalp Fascia

Scalp fascia is a thin membrane that wraps around the muscles of the scalp. It is used to prevent the visibility of implants in patients with thin skin, and is mainly used to elevate the forehead area.

Harvesting site: Scalp
Advantages: The surgery is simple, the harvesting site is close to the surgical site, and the scar is not easily visible because it is hidden by hair.
Disadvantages: Temporary hair loss may occur at the scar site.

Scalp fascia
Scalp fascia
Scalp fascia

View the research papers from The Plus Plastic Surgery medical team.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is autologous tissue revision rhinoplasty at THE PLUS PS in Korea?

Autologous tissue revision rhinoplasty at THE PLUS PS involves using the patient’s own tissues, such as auricular cartilage or dermal fat, to enhance and correct previous nose surgeries. This method prioritizes minimizing tissue damage and promoting recovery while providing natural results.

What tissues are typically used in autologous rhinoplasty procedures in Korea?

In autologous rhinoplasty at THE PLUS PS, commonly used tissues include auricular cartilage, septal cartilage, chest cartilage, and dermal fat. Each type serves specific purposes, such as providing structural support or enhancing soft tissue volume, depending on the patient’s needs.

Why choose THE PLUS PS in Korea for revision rhinoplasty using autologous tissue?

THE PLUS PS is renowned for its careful consideration of individual tissue needs and expertise in minimizing discomfort and promoting healing. The clinic’s personalized approach ensures optimal outcomes for revision rhinoplasty using autologous tissue, leveraging advanced techniques and patient-focused care.